the older generations are awful

that girl is cute. i can't wait to make enough money so that i can go live in mexico. the us is boring as fuck. laws everywhere. do this do that. blah blah blah.

this hatecrime against a transgender is not cool.

except for the people at the new yorker i really like them.

all journalists are scum.

Good for her. You people are all disgusting racists for trying to make someone feel ashamed for being themselves and pursuing their dreams and interests.


ugh that kid is gross


the plan is to slowly make it so that you absolutely have to have an id at all times, even if you don't drive, for logistical reasons, and then just make it a law because everyone pretty has them all the time anyway so what's the big deal? and then just implant computer chips into your body that police can read to

all families that have something bad or in this case different happen to them and then go on weird rando crusades to have rando legislation enacted should be euthanized. looking at you madd.

it is absolutely not the same and to call those words equivalent is ignorant and racist.

then he's not a jerk either. . . by your logic he doesn't owe people not calling them cunts. . .

i find it kind of disgusting how much the nfl is able to punish people based on their personal life.

i feel like the girl is being the bigger jerk in that exchange. the 'cunt' thing was not classy though.

Obviously Hayes should have followed Mayweather's advice and left her. He clearly couldn't handle the issues that confronted their relationship and he was clearly in a toxic place. If he had listened to Mayweather and separated from his life this would have never happened. Just because he's not a 'stand up guy'

oh my god i love detroit

why are people over 60 allowed to vote anyway

what the fuck is that suit

i feel like iowa is the only state that uses a candidates - ernsts - anti abortion stance as a way to effectively portray a candidate as negative.

this is a product of our puritan society. we are essentially the exact same group of people that burned witches in salem mass.