To be fair, high profile COLLEGE athletes are told not to leave behind condoms. I’ve heard of girls fishing them out of the trash in order to get pregnant. Crazy stuff, man.
To be fair, high profile COLLEGE athletes are told not to leave behind condoms. I’ve heard of girls fishing them out of the trash in order to get pregnant. Crazy stuff, man.
LOL - Journalists, take some advice on how to do your job from ex-Gawker bloggers. When has lacking integrity ever backfired?
My wife is in medical school up here in ues, and I am making under $1o0k. We are able to make it work. Cutting back on multiple pairs of chukkas, fancy cocktails and expensive tattoos go a long way.
Oh, waaaaaaaaaaah. People who don’t agree with me are dumb!
Zero tolerance policies. Always a terrible decision for many various reasons, except when they further your protected moral causes.
Our infrastructure is failing...
Those are actually pretty level-headed statements from the leader of a large Catholic university. All he is saying is that your fear for retrenchment and regression should not outweigh the processes of deliberation and consideration for change. If you take a second to acknowledge that not all change is progress, and…
That was an ABSURD shift.
written like a pft looking face ass
“Numbers are numbers.”
I wouldn’t say they are lashing out at all. They are reiterating the expectations previously laid forth by the coach in regards to players’ behavior while representing the country.
Thanks for the update.
This is why everyone thinks “journalists” are assholes.
This sort of zealous line of thinking is why so many well intentioned people fail to ever make change. Didn’t your parents ever teach you to pick your battles? Making a stand on speculation would be completely distracting to his overall message.
Deadspin: Your #1 source in sexual assault investigations.
So you quote him without context, question the intention behind the quote, and do not even link to source material. Journalism!
Water Polo players are the lax bros of the west coast. Chiller, fitter and just as irrelevantly cocky. Trust me- I am one.
She’s XY with an alpha-5-reductase mutation. Only the Y chromosome has the SRY gene to initiate testicular development, which in turn produces testosterone, which is normally converted to dihydrotestosterone by alpha-5-reductase. Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for external differentiation, and male babies born…