Chechen Cardiologist

It’s almost like this fundamentalist approach taken by the left didn’t push undecided whites into Trump’s arms. That people don’t actually enjoy being called a bigot or being blamed for the color of their skin. You should wake up, because continuing this rhetoric and expecting something different is literally insane.

Well, at least you aren’t simultaneously declaring what type of people Trump supporters are, while also saying you have no idea how he won. That tendency is all to common these past two days.

But let’s ignore the same things happening in the rest of the western world, from Brexit to Brillo to La Pen. Get Fukt.

Shaming and divisiveness was really successful for the election, so why not keep the movement alive!

I got secondhand embarrassment reading about how you got into a public altercation over politics, causing your wife to distance herself from you. You are a facebook commenter incarnate. Yeesh.

I like Obama, but I think it is a bit hypocritical to complain about repeated lies and half truths when he himself has propagated debunked statistics about things like the wage gap and sexual assault on college campuses. As long as the ends justify the means, I suppose.

Crazy, that also happens to be the exact predicted outcome that Nate Silver calculated. But that guy is an idiot, right?

It’s almost astounding how fucking stupid of an idea this is.

Because driving while intoxicated is a crime in itself. Having sex while intoxicated is not. In fact, intoxication at the time of intercourse would designate you as a victim (if you are female, of course).

Great journalism, DildoSwaggins!

How does Burneko feel about being doxed as DildoSwaggins?

That’s not how that word works.

“It doesn’t matter about any other argument beside my own.”

Do you tell your parents that you are a journalist?

If you were playing a game with other people where you had to allocate 10 points across military and livestock, what would you do? Put it all in the military, and steal weaker city’s livestock.

The point still stands that nobody pays more taxes than they are required.

Wow. I know all you gawkerites hate the valley with a passion, but that may just be the single most delusional assessment of wealth disparity and homelessness in San Francisco. The problem long predates the tech boom, reaching back into the early 60's. Housing prices!?! Get. The. Fuck. Out.

Looks like you read the Economist today.

This wikileaks report is the equivalent of a candidate answering the weakness interview question with, “sometimes I let my work ethic get in the way of my personal well-being.”

Outmatched? I’m a little biased but I would say that this ending proves they are an incomplete team rather than purely over-matched. Game 1 could have gone either way (as could have game 3), and their blatantly unreliable bullpen blew a well played game to tie the series, a game they were in control of from 1st to 8th