
That’s definitely true. Everybody is a great humanitarian so long as homelessness is an idea. In theory people are cool with it.

I’ve heard it suggested that the people who have the poor most are the ones who have to interact with them the most


Maybe you should back up your silly claims with evidence.

Uh, you do know that then and even more so now, all the guns theses citizens are so determined to have thanks to the only Amendment they give a shit about, will never ever prevent the government from being able to take them out with one push of a button.

Maybe not, but more and more I wish we would start trying.

Me too. This is my thing: Why? Why the fuck do you (“you” being the gun fetishists) feel that we need to live in an armed society? Why do you feel that firearms are the only solution to “big” problems? Why is it hard to envision a society that has absolutely no need for guns whatsoever?

This. You know what kind of person shouldn’t have a gun? One who is so emotionally delicate and paranoid that they can make themselves a victim in any scenario. I don’t want that person being armed.

Yep. Back then we had the “survivalists”. Now they are “preppers” Instead of running around with a t-shirt that says “Kill a commie for mommie”, it is MAGA hats “Hillary for Prison” t-shirts.

So a twenty year old clip of Pelosi Feinstein is more relevant to you than a sitting president saying the equivalent of “fuck due process, take their guns.”

Correct! Weird-ass, unexamined gun fetishism is too baked into our fabric.

They think “owning a gun” allows them to “do whatever I want with it.”

That is an excellent point

Ya know, even though no one is actually trying to take these idiots’ guns away - they sure seem to continuously demonstrate good reasons why we should take their guns away.

The Toni Morrison book was the only one I got wrong. The trick these is to try to pick the dumbest looking answer. That reasoning also applies in real life when trying to figure out why anybody is trying to trying to ban books.