
"Every kind of bad has exactly the same weight. "

Why should they be tried if they were fighting on the side of America, the greatest country in the history of the planet?

It would be okay with him. Doing immoral things to the enemy is okay. Doing immoral things to innocents in the name of winning a just war is justifiable to these patriots.

I'll give you lowbrow moral equivalency. Your unthinking, uncritical patriotism is as bad as the Jennings'.

White killed innocents with his drugs out of greed and pride. Makes him no better than the Jennings.

"I just wish viewer would stop rationalizing the lead characters, who are enemies of our country."

So if I'm not 100 percent gung-ho love America, then I like bin Laden?

Do you have an American flag in your front yard? I bet you do! Dude you should totally sign up for the Army and go kill rag heads in the Middle East like American Sniper.

We get it. You love America and are a patriot. Good for you.

Never said it did. Don't put words in my mouth, boy.

"Dexter, Hannibal." Donald Draper, Tony Soprano, Walter White.

Haha, Stan was right, the Russian defector is a spy!

I thought Philip was going to say "Paige if you tell anybody about this …. you know what that means? … we'll have to kill you."

Worse things being done by others? Vietnam was pretty bad. South Africa was pretty bad. The ghettos of America are pretty bad. Nukes are pretty bad.


John Carpenter.