
IF there was no one to watch, they’d still do it. it isn’t about people watching or the attention that drives racers. It’s the outright will to be better than your were the last time around, to be the fastest. UNDERSTAND THAT. Coming from a racer of 2 and 4 wheels. Even laid up in bed with a dislocated wrist and a

ah a dumbass kid that mommy and daddy would let do anything dangerous... take your bullshit somewhere else.

Who said they don’t value their lives? Other than you. Again you have no basis for your comment, you obviously don’t race, or snowboard or ski or skateboard or bmx, or skydive or snorkel or anything with an inherent risk. This is what makes life worth living for some people and to not do these things would put less

Ah that is simple, it is people like him who don’t participate in it, who want to do away it, and take away from the people who do. People like Ark have no idea about the people or the sport. If he had his way it would turn into the relative boringness that F1 has turned into. Racing is racing, it is dangerous, that

Don’t forget Group B, even though it was decades ago.

There are a lot sally asses out there, Ark is obviously one of them, the shit type of people that want to close down everything that they are not part of, nor understand. Everything on this planet has an inherit risk, even walking out your door.This and outright speed racing on the salt flats is the last of it’s kind.

yeah, it’s great being in real estate down here..

INDEED! Blood mountain, Wolf Pen Gap, Richard Russell, 197,60, Camp Wahsega rd, all top notch. not to mention tons of car meets every week, Lanier raceplex and Road Atlanta and A.M.P.. I am sure it would give SoCal a run for it’s money. Plus people are just a lot cooler and inclusive here than in the LA scene.

I for one love wagons, F_U_C_K SUVs,CUVs. they are garbage. But i don’t have the need for one at the moment, I think the reason this isn’t selling is that its too damn expensive for what it is, I live in ATL, sic cars are a dime a dozen. Nobody wants to spend that much on someone else’s project. Especially in a place

down south, not many of them are “bros” mostly just rednecks, they pull bullshit like this for fun, trust me happens all the time down here driving a Miata. I don’t try to block em though, usually just change lanes really quick and slow down even quicker let ‘em pass. if they continue to F with me I just pull into a

then again, if the lr drivers mom didn’t commit fraud then the jag wouldn’t have blocked her in. lesson is, get your money the legit way. lol

They need to just get rid of him, he has always been a miserable cunt. Chris Harris, Matt, and Sabine would be great! well Matt I am still a bit unsure of but he does have that bit of comic relief, and he is a car guy. Chris Evans just ruins the show, I will usually watch any car show but, this time; I just can’t. I

“not to be outdone by the dragster Camaro from last weekend” Mustang upped the ante, did it in the rain. Ball is in your court now Cararos.

I don’t know if it’s the worst I’ve seen, but it is the worst I’ve seen in a while. Kubica’s crash at Montreal I think was worse, but this one I think is just as dramatic.

Just noticed the exposed drive shaft! Too f’ing cool!

Cheap bike.... LAughing and crying and it hurts but feels so good! :P

I was just thinking that! That bike is spot on! the car is way off the mark!

yeah, at fist when i read abouut it, i thought cool! Then i saw it and was like. meh. you guys really missed the mark.

And this folks is why they say, “don’t spectate from the outside of the corner.” pretty bad hate to see it happen though.

must be.