
fuck where is my post?? oh yeah thats right you guys are comment Facist....

ehhhhhh, you guys with your miss information... it’s comical. kinda like when you said JFK was the bussiest airport in the world and it isn’t even in the top ten. now you talk about how much rally there is in the NW and talk about one place. i swear you guys are sucking more and more everyday. there is the FIRM in FL,

Why the fuck does this end up on a car site? I don’t come here to see Huff post style posts...

agree’d I’d rather have an old 850csi. that is just not good from any angle

Actually most of them are for tampering purposes, if it has been removed it often voids the warranty.(Porsche is a prime example.)

Seriously your ass is back writing!? FA was so nice the past week or so when someone else was writing. Not 1 crybaby thing about Trump just cool military stuff, but now your back and surprise surprise you already ruined it. again.

Now playing

Here you go Raphi..... THIS will make the Insight awesome again. ;) AWD K motor.. no more heavy battery or electric drive motors.....

yeah and we are all paying for it, wasn’t it a couple months ago WE (ATL) were 8th worse in the world for traffic? I think ATL wanted to be 1st after loosing the Superbowl. I am not going to like my commute home tonight. :/

Um, it’s a guided bomb so its not a dumb bomb live an old paveway. just saying. plus these guys are in caves, i creates a vacum sucking all the air out of the area, plus the shock wave in the confines of a cave should make it quite effective in this instance.... and it was paid for years ago at least the obama years

And another Liberal.

Ow look here a Liberal.

Man this is turning into a liberal crybaby website. good bye Jalopnik... Not everything is some BS SJW crusade to be fought. not everything is racist or sexist or ect.... like here in ATL most accidents you see are the POC. most hit and runs are POC, the cars that are falling apart going down the road POC. take that

Fucking Lib’s cry about everything!! FFS ahahahhaha Free riders get paid, they are in movies for motocross lovers.(For example: Crusty Demons movies) he is no way endangering anyone in either case. a skilled rider knows what is going on and there is 0 chance of him landing on the highway, it’s really easy to abort a

Yeah, except they were never made to operate in a warmer climate than the UK, that is why a American V8 and radiator swap is pretty common in the south on Jags.... I wouldn’t mind it. I like the looks of the Jag, and the interior, I don’t care for a temperamental wheezy engine. I would really like to do an LS swap on

I was thinking caterham 7, but yeah I love those engines!!! Designed to be anywhere from 1 to 2 liters. transmission isn’t built into the block like most motorcycle engines, I absolutely must have one in the future. Too bad they are so expensive atm...

‘93 LE. only because I have one... :P

doesn’t fit*

actually it wasn’t anywhere except rightwing news outlets until late yesterday afternoon, Giz posted it today not yesterday, nice try. you are quite full of shit though about it has a certain way to be posted in a special order. my ass it just fit Jeza’s extreme SJW platform... but please keep posting like you know

I think the people they are actually talking about aren’t millennials but the centurions....

The comments down here are actually worse than the peoples’ reasons for voting for Trump. I love this site when I need a laugh.