actually to improve my Motocross skills I head to mountain bike trails, they even make little paved trails you guys with skinny tires.
actually to improve my Motocross skills I head to mountain bike trails, they even make little paved trails you guys with skinny tires.
get a mountain bike and stick to the trails, same work out, but i know then you can’t be an asshat ruin peoples day that are in their car.
now add 30 seconds for each of your friends. like i said to the other Lance Armstrong wanna be’s get a mountain bike, you are getting the same exact exercise and you don’t have to worry about us people in cars.
you are obviously a douche bag cyclist also. get a fucking mountain bike and stay on trails, roads are for cars. trails are for bikes. it’s quite smiple. should be simple enough for you to understand.
you ass hats should just get a mountain bike and stick to trails, you’ll get the same workout and a bit more skill when things get slick. got to see a nice kid get airlifted out of an accident because one of you douchebags on a bike decided to swerve out in front of him on a blind corner in the GA mountains, speed…
If you watch the 1st video that is exactly what the guy on the bike did., the guy in the fusion is driving as fast as he can to fuck with the rider, the rider wasn’t driving slow. the other lane splitting which is dumb, but was to get away from the asshole in the car.
there is no reasoning with you , you are just one of those people that hate motorcyclists at all cost, and are always correct. The world needs less of people like you.
um if someone is trying to run me over. I will shoot them , it’s very simple, it’s self defense. guy is using his car as a weapon. if you can’t get away, like our motorcyclist here. then defend yourself. makes sense.
Don’t go to Europe... you’ll loose your collective shit with the way they ride, they ARE allowed to lane split there, and a lot more people ride. MMMMMmm sorry , but if the cop didn’t mind then I am still all for the guy on the bike. 10000 times the same situation nothing would have happened with other people in the…
hmmm “riding like an asshole from begining to end.” nothing wrong with the very begining. and running for your life i’ll give him a pass on that. he is far from the normal douche bags that ride and are doing wheelies and blocking traffic. getting pissed that the guy in car was an asshole? fuck yeah. if it was me on…
you sir can go fuck yourself.... here’s how it started...
doesn’t loo like it’s illegal from what i can see, cop didn’t seem to mind in the how it started video.
Her is the video of what happened(how it started), I don’t think it is illegal in FL to lane split, cop didn’t seem to mind. so all you saying it’s his fault for lane splitting. g f y s. your idiots. the guy in the fusion totally started it, he too can go f himself. so there you go. guy on bike not at fault. dude in…
I understand that what I am about to say is 2 wheels not 4 but it’s the same mentality I am almost sure of it.I used to race motocross, even as a 10-11 year old I knew that I could have a bad one and brake something, get paralyzed, or even die. (it happened at one of my 1st races) We knew the risks, but once you strap…
I agree with that, that was my point. I think we’re agreeing I just worded it odd, causing a misunderstanding.
those shows are such garbage. Overhauling was cool but only cause Foose. those other shows are so scripted and bullshit. like those house hunters shows.
not even for a second.
on a side note. i love seeing all the haters out there. GO Hawks. ahahahhahha
IDk, watched a bunch of times, frame by frame. He had it coming. purposely swings his stick behind Kieth’s legs and punches him in the face. whistle should have blown right there. so fuck coyle. he had it coming. there was no play for the puck, just a dirty retaliatin to a dirty check. boo fucking hoo, its hockey.