
you prove my point, well the little dictator starves his people, has more human rights violations than a Mexican drug lord, Nuclear weapons and ballistics that can get it to america. but yet we keep on letting it happen. “what do we have to gain?” this is the problem. we use excuses to attack one country and when

the f-35 is slated for service 2019 if BIG IF there are no more problems so..... you statement is not valid. but nice try. i give you a golf clap.

um... you don’t know much do you? fully civized? it is doing pretty well for it’s self. women go to college; men do to( but that is pretty civilized for a middle eastern country) , beautiful national parks. some of the greatest history we haven’t been able to see lately. do some research. oh and all this why being not

because not many have been anywhere else to realize that it is “same shit, different place” our gov spins it, their’s spins it, anyone who trying to gain something will spin it in their favor and hope “patriotism” carries the agenda through. it’s sad. but hey that is why we lag so far behind in so many aspects of life

with all that said, why haven’t we gone to N korea. oh yeah nothing to gain there. damn you commentors are dumb as fuck.

Our country has done some pretty shitty things to there own also. Kent state i understand it isn’t the same as bombing the shit out of a protest but still our country is no saint. spin it how you’d like but all governments are pretty much the same in the end. look at history and geo politics. history repeats itself.

actually everything was fine until “we”said we have to go in and ove throw hi. same with libya. Libya was under the control of a dictator, but it was still under control. same with Iraq. you forget about that little fuckup no wmd’s there and now is spawned isis or isil or what ever the fuck they are called this week.

California... the other Florida.

and you know this because you were there? you saw this 1st hand and have it documented?? you don’t. Man am I sick of people not knowing how the world works. Just like how Sadam had WMDS, woops that’s right no he didn’t. it just BS to get people behind the governments wanting to go to war. so they can make more bs

I completely agree, though mostly; commenters on here are American. I doubt any actually know anyone from Syria, it’s just the typical jump on the bandwagon mentality. It’s funny/sad. My good friend, running back from college is Syrian. nothing was going on when we were in college in 2010 he went home often never had

ok. Thank you for writing it up for us. Why oh why is every automobile site spinning it the other way? I stand corrected.

if you read the article fully, you are correct that is what they have named the bill or mandate. but where you ARE wrong is that the uproar is about them sneaking in the part about light vehicles AKA cars. that is why there is a shit storm. It is misleading as fuck.

And yet the military which has far more vehicles than tuners and racers combined gets to go unregulated, and they use those vehicle all day. yep bullshit!

the way it is written is supposed to be confusing, that way it is nearly impossible to fight. this is just another way for the government to extort money from people. now what exactly is tampering? is it putting a K&N filter in? that can be considered part of the “emissions system” This is an absolute sham.

come make me.. :) what’s wrong don’t like someone saying it how it is?

hey! hey, dipship. you are doing same thing if not worse. so to you. go fuck yourself. as i said to him the only colors that matter or should be talked about here are car colors. you don’t know if he is liberal, you don’t know him, you don’t know if he is white. yes his comment was a bit dumb. but yours is more racist

ok. so i saw that you only go on here. sorry for being a bit brash. I don’t want you to crash. i know you were talking to someone else, but. if you are car person. then laeve it with the cars. only colors we shall be talking about for now on are car colors. Fair enough?

then read my other comment. dude on the quad was white as fuck .

oh and jackass that is not hooning in the van. that is dipshittery . hooning is drifting doing jumps stuff like that not causing chaos and hurting people.

Ummmmm... WTF are you talking about!? Guy on the quad is as white as snow. Bring your dumb ass racebating back to gawker. we are car people here. you do something dumb we are calling it out, don’t matter what color.