
IDK. Remember the boot Brady very publicly wore on his right leg before SB42? There was no indication during or after the AFC Championship he hurt his leg. It kind of came out of nowhere. Me thinks this Belichick fucking with the Jags.

This has to be in the iOS Terms of Service all iPhone users agree to each time they update iOS. Apple knows damn well we aint reading that shit but I’m sure they lay it out in black and white for us all to read. If this is covered in the TOS agreement I can’t imagine how all these lawsuits are going to work.

Face Time over 3G? Cricket's network is about to get effed in the a.

You have Pitchfork bookmarked. Hipster douche bag.

The weight would be the single biggest issue they would have to overcome. The Lenovo Yoga is 3.1lbs and I wonder how long it takes before your forearms begin to feel the burn.

I'm sure there'd be a " killswitch " implented to turn off both the keyboard and the trackpad once the screen reaches a certain angle. The Lenovo Yoga has that feature.

This one is better. Not as gay

Would Apple not jump ship and dump the A5 and the A6 and throw one of these motherfuckers in the iPad 3 or iPhone 5. Macs use Intel so why not their portables?

I'm just fucking around here. I have an Evo and I love it. I love HTC and Android.

Jesus butt-fucking Christ that article might be the finest example of " White Whine " I've ever read.

I paid 79.99 for Chrono Trigger when it first came out

Could they not just require you to enter your Apple ID password in order to confirm the purchase ??

" You are, however, a masochist if you do get one."

Does this cover porn too ??

Hey the TouchPad looks like the Bee's Knee's man. Palm is gonna turn it around , watch.

@kellanpan: The snipping tool is OK. It's cool that the image you capture opens up in it's own little window and all.

Looks bad ass and it's free so you really can't complain.

The easiest way to tell if you are being "throttled" or not is by reading the AUP you agreed to when you signed on with your ISP.