old man

So it’s not fair to investigate the possible criminal actions of corrupt prior political cartel after a change by the voters in the governing party? That will be welcome news to corrupt politicians all over the world. I’m sure the U.N. will love it as well.

Isn’t it funny that only black women seem to have trouble with American Airlines ?

And so?????

Let’s see about the accuracy of using the words“stunt” or “prop” to describe what’s going on: NFL quietly changes Flag/Anthem rules to REQUIRE respectful conduct and imposes PENALTIES for violations on players and teams. Maybe we should delete “stunt” and “prop” and substitute WINNING !

I enjoy reading “stuff” by black racists. It validates my opinion that they’e just like white racists.

Ryan has never looked at the window sticker on a new car in U.S. apparently.

We’re hopeful the decision will cause the entire Cal. coast and all of NYC to submerge without warning. If we could add Chicago it would be the perfect trifecta.

It’s a great way to solve an imaginary problem in your imaginary job from the real couch in your parents home.

Well he just SLAM DUNKED YOU!!

This approach is too circumspect and uncertain of outcome. Time is too short. Don’t we all agree that you’d have to be crazy to vote for Trump? Of course you would ! Let’s cut to the chase and get all Trump votes in every state thrown out because they were cast by incompetents. Every state disqualifies incompetents

What an idiot is Jones ! Who elected Obama twice? The white vote. This is just a variation of “blm”. How is failing to vote for a white female “white-lash”? I guess in your world white people who don’t buy black cars are racists also.

Hey Ashley, how ya feeling’ now ?

Be careful about wishing for two countries. It’s a bloody mess and you folks from N.Y. and L.A. etc. aren’t going to like it. Of course, if you’re talking about doing it by vote, like Amerixit, I’m with you.