
Right, because prisons arent filled with pyscho rapists who have been caught. you are ridiculous

meh, fuck her. What comes around, goes around for you lame sjw faggots.

Why are you assuming she identifies as white? GTFO with your bullshit

good job, “mom”. Just what the boy needs to grow up with - a science denying lunatic. Guess what, “mom”? Your son will look at women and even start jerking himself off thinking about fucking them.

fire up the pitchfolks fellow they/theirs, we need to shut this cis woman up for good

if only there had been a good guy with a gun, or even better, if she had a gun herself that she could have used to protect herself

clinton is that guy that put all the black people in prison, right?

As a parent, you are full of shit. I highly doubt you are a parent with a statement like that.

Was this guy a republican or democrat? I didnt see party affiliation anywhere in this blog post, which is weird because thats usually one of the first identitfiers in articles that usually appear on this blog