My bet is that it’s Putin instructing Trump to blackmail Graham
It’s one of my all-time favorite shows. If you love parodies or Twin Peaks/X-Files types shows you’re going to have a blast.
Yes! That's what it was. Thanks.
Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace?
It seems like it was from the 80's or 90's. I the “M” word might be a tad hard to pronounce. I think Matt Berry might have been in it.
My first though, exactly.
This was a stupid fucking stunt. it’s the same thing as when Pence and Mother flew to Indiana for a football game and then immediately left when players took a knee. What did these two dunces think they were going to see?
People like AOC need to run as part of a real national socialist party and not try to transform an existing party into something it isnt.
They did it to Bernie, and that worked out super great. What could possibly go wrong this time?
AOC’s not wrong. And she probably does represent the future for the Dems whether they like it or not.
Regardless, Ocasio-Cortez is going to continue to piss off other Democrats
who think she should wait her turnwho are every bit as bought and sold by corporate interests as their GOP counterparts.
Harris/Duckworth 2020.
I had several bad gout attacks a few years ago. Neither Allopurinol or Colchicine did much to reduce the frequency or severity of the attacks. Neither did changing my diet to cut out purine-rich foods.
I get a touch of the gout every now and again. No wheelchair, but I’ve had some pretty goddamn painful walks into the office. I drink wine and a lot of beer, and a shitload of water, no pop. I don’t exercise enough, but I stay busy.
Allopurinol is a thing which exists and which, combined with avoiding eating huge amounts of cured meats all the time, has kept me gout free for years and years.
And the three ones I admire most
How long until we get “sources in the White House” spilling about the major tantrum meltdown he had when he was told he had to go.
I’m off Monday (by coincidence of schedule), but working Tuesday night (Christmas!). Gotta bake bagels for Wednesday morning. I tend to stretch the holiday season from November to February though, so I’m not too bothered :) And my lone night-shift coworker gets to visit his grandma instead of working, so that’s nice :)