I think 8:55! According to the chart I just looked at. Oof! Oh well — summer basically starts tomorrow, right?
Michael, my extreme apologies!
I know it’s pointless to rail against this, but I’ll just never be able to get over this era in our government, or how poorly it reflects on the voters.
He would be faster and better conditioned if he observed the holy day of Leg Day, the most important day on the workout calendar. The stronger your muscles are, the longer they take to fail. He’s such a fucking moron.
Giving unlimited war powers to the Executive after 9/11 somehow backfired!?
I don’t believe you actually have the brilliant phrase trademarked.
Artisanally curated to boot.
nothing about that article demonstrates that field turf causes cancer.
That’s true, he’s just a plant by Big Tortoise.
I just ventured over to Fb and saw a local news post about the foundation. The comments were a mix of laughing at Trump and deflecting to Clinton.
Sigh, I really hope that person isn’t a psychologist. But then again I would say 50% of the psychologists I have known had their own fair share of issues.
Solid take
Go to any random clip of Eastwood’s movies on Youtube (Dirty Harry, for instance), and drown in a litany of “back when there were still real men” comments.
I’m okay with this so long as his future obit is written as “Clint Eastwood, mortal enemy of empty chair, dies at X”