.... and yet, we still have to deal with Eastwood’s crusty ass still being alive
.... and yet, we still have to deal with Eastwood’s crusty ass still being alive
Now can we do one about how Jesus became so widely accepted as real?
I also beat JuJuMonkey to it, and the fucking copycat still leaves me buried down here!
You’re making me feel guilty for posting the Geordie twat!
The Greatest Hits are all he's got left. They're his Safe Space. It's like the way he kept trying to interject his Twitler Rally routines into his meeting with Pelosi and Schumer. He goes for those oldies to quell the sense of impending doom. I just enjoy knowing that he's miserable.
I think we can be certain they were done dirt cheap!
Now MY BF and I (hey, we’re Seattleites, too!) are Wednesday date night and weekends together and THAT’S IT! 5 years strong...
It’s good and right to be mean to rich assholes.
The Bundys are Mormon. And Mormons have a boatload of flaws (like all religions) but they tend to be more supportive of immigration and less xenophobic than other conservatives. Trump’s approval rating among Mormons is generally low for a group that otherwise strongly skews Republican.
Dingdingding, we have a winner. How fair is it to attribute a wage gap to “choosing to focus on families” if it’s not really the employee’s choice? Men have children, too, but somehow fatherhood doesn’t have the same impact on earnings and advancement. We don’t hear about employers trying not to hire men in their 20's…
Are you sure it isn’t “password”?
Economist here - it hasn’t been debunked.
The Environmental Protection Agency is stripping an Obama era coal-plant restriction in the hopes of making it possible to open up new coat plants.
Th3n w3 would just all typ3 like pr3t33ns
I hope this is the first of many. If you’re going to make money off the culture, the people that create the culture should be rewarded
Man, fuck this puppet show bullshit. They’re FINALLY digging up the accomplices to the perpetrators of North Carolina’s absentee-voter fraud.