
Undoctored pictures showing he actually filled out the ballot himself and put it in an envelope, or it didn’t happen. 

Thanks for your bravery and sacrifice.

Well, they were right to boo him. After all, the Iraq invasion only lasted a few weeks, with Iraq quickly becoming a prosperous democracy. Sure, if the war was still going, and the thousands of civilian deaths had inspired a wide variety of violent organizations bent on killing as many people as possible while they

“Before I SCHOOL you, have you read the law?”

Kinja won’t let me reply to a reply to my comment, so I’m doing it here.

no doubt but there is such a large industry built on the election cycle if we shorten it it would cause a mild recession.

Here is what’s interesting, though. Now that Whitaker is in charge of the Mueller investigation, all indictments have to be signed off by him. So it’s very possible that he will just refuse to sign any indictments of Don Jr or the other TraitorTots.

Emmanuelle 9: Emmanuelle in The Ozarks

Are you 90?  I’m 45 and haven’t outgrown it yet. 

no doubt but there is such a large industry built on the election cycle if we shorten it it would cause a mild recession.


Yeah, I read that too, but I’m keepin’ my powder dry. It’s been a long slog, and I’m not setting myself up for disappointment.

I was...it’s didn’t seem like the GOP was objectively evil back then. 

Ahhh, crossfit...

My point was that the only “new” ideas that are truly new seem to be just new ways to tax sectors. Tax is good for various items but we need fresh perspectives on the issues of today.

The GOP gerrymandering was so extensive we should appreciate that we got even this far. And next time, it will be weaker and easier to beat.

We all knew this was going to happen; the writing has been on the wall for Sessions for months (really, since the day he recused himself from the Mueller investigation).

That he was going to leave after midterms is not a surprise; that Trump didn’t even wait a full twenty-four hours shows the political theater for what

Does this mean Trump is going to race to fire everybody on the probe between now and Jan 3?