
My WA mail-in ballot had no sticker, but it does come with a little “I Voted” tag.  I mean, with some Scotch tape, you could technically get a sticker out of that.  

Not lying, per se. Just delivering information that’s not really useful.

Exit polls are like republicans; definitely lying to you.

I wanna see if we can shift from “turbo-fucked” to “fucked!”

There’s a few races on the east cost that will probably signal how strong the Democratics turned out.  If they start flipping Republican seats in Virginia it will be a good sign.

So you’re saying voting in this election is super important. Not just for the next twoyears but the foreseeable future. You might even say every vote matters a lot because these lower level offices draw those lines and those races are always won by small numbers.

Also: 4 of the possible House-gain seats are alllll in Southern California. This makes my goddamn hair stand on end, but here we are! The polls won’t close until 8 our time, 11PM your time, so you won’t know by the end of today. And CA counts its ballots careful-like (cf. Hillary’s 3M lead not finished counting until

I’m happy it’s working out for you. PA barely passed medical MJ. And then nothing with THC. legal weed is a long shot.

Hi everyone,. I’m David E. Davis grants no wishes and I’m running on the platform of posting relevant memes, selfmade topical photos and being the guy that offers the centrist pov. Additionally I believe I do offer some good points, occasional devil’s advocate when it’s called for, enjoyment of tossing the political

Holy shit. This is the perfect analogy.

Yep, yep, yep.  And the press has played the part of the friend “who doesn’t want to take sides.”

Brings back lovely memories of the shooting in 2009.

There are no gray areas when it comes to normal supervisor/employee sexual relationships. Just don’t do it. A boss should NEVER sleep with someone who reports to them. What Clinton did was inappropriate, gross and an abuse of his power. It’s time for that man to go away.

So every time their affair is brought up people love to bring out the “22 is not a child argument”. Here is the thing:

Cheerleaders are treated like total shit - she is fucking brave - I wish I were half so brave.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.

Eh, I’m a fan. Can’t beat a good anthem, and it’s just dumb enough to work.

Grammar has a liberal bias.

And if English had no rules.

This is true if US history started in 2017.