Old Man Grizzle

In legal parlance, is “dating violence” the same as “courting disaster?”

Not cool Thibs. Black face is never okay. Even if you’re using a real face.

[In my strip club DJ voice] Coming up next to the stage, it’s Violence! After her, we’ll be offering a 2 for 1 deal of the century dance!

As a weekend worker, Wednesday's my Friday. Thanks for your forbearance.

God dammit. The U.K. version would be better.

That should read "In the U.K., kick it around for 90 minutes."


Here it probably means spike it into the turf or something. In the U.K., do nothing with it for 90 minutes.

Edit: I blew the joke. See below.

I eagerly await the publication of his memoir, Fuck: My Life.

where are the parentsssssssssss?

Temecula, fucker. I'm already in my car.

And LA residents thought they were done with bad shots once Kobe shut it down.

Confusing list. I expected him to use bullets.

Finally, Durham Police step in and start arresting these sexual predator athletes because the University has clearly and repeatedly failed in its duties to protect...wait, what? England? Nm.

Even though English is my second language and I am a humble immigrant, I think "cum stained" should be "cum-stained", yes?

I am Tyler's passive-aggressive email.

Yeah he'll have fewer than zero parties to go to.

The twist is that the author of this e-mail was Tyler the entire time (spoiler alert).

Filed to: Bears

Suggested caption: "Oh fuck, I think I killed her!!!"

Two things on the matter: