old man gamer

genes still mean at least as much as wishful thinking

is this sort of misogyny what passes for humor around here? for shame

oh thank christ. i was hoping for another dogpile article, it's been a while since you all got to congratulate each other on holding the correct opinions

If you feel a deep need to watch infallible authority figures using christlike powers to save a populace of sheep from the evil menace, CBS is happy to shit out CSIs onto your face until the end of time.

yay! another AV club dogpile where everyone can congratulate each other for holding the correct opinion! I LOVE THESE

Nothing is more exciting than a gender-politics dogpile. It's so gratifying to see right-thinking people being celebrated for having the approved opinions

What I don't understand is why, if you want to be "protected" from knowledge or whatever, would you seek out articles related to the thing you don't want to learn about?

I was hoping for a few paragraphs about the gender politics of spoilers, but SPOILER ALERT there weren't any.

I can see how Lost is considered a perfect show by a certain sector of society. It's constructed to make you feel like you're thinking, while requiring no actual thought. It's very comforting, in a way, assuming that thinking hurts your brain.

In my opinion, so long as you keep your noxious smoke out of my lungs, I don't care how you choose to kill yourself.

the secret is to click on the article with adblock running

so i keep wondering, is hammering on the gender politics of everything official av club editorial policy or just an easy way to suck up to Todd? Single-issue zealotry gets boring no matter how "right" you are about it.

Is it irony that after a paragraph explaining the harm in telling overweight women that they aren't overweight, there's a paragraph that tries to deny that lena dunham IS overweight? i'm not sure…

There are large groups of people on the internet who find eating a chicken breast to be worse than rape.

And of course by "everyone" you mean "some amount of people" and certainly you're aware that the hypocrisy you're alluding to would require that the exact same people also decried littlefinger/sansa or whatever?

I knew I was old when I started getting crotchety about people using verbs as nouns. There may be a construct that sounds stupider, but off the top of my head, I'm not sure what it is.

I hope that's just a thing you scream at people to be insufferable. Fusion releases a hell of a lot more energy than fission.

The word "trope" itself aggravates me more than any example given. Truly we live in the age of plenty with all this intellectual masturbation providing a steady paycheck for so many.

There was a mayoral aide in DC who lost his job temporarily for using the word "niggardly" in a press conference, before people opened a dictionary and/or came to their senses.

I'll pick you for a reply - what most of you are probably not realizing is that, while you are vocal, you are also a tiny minority. You see, in the web business, we've long known that some small percentage of people will loudly complain about ANY change made to the site. Basically all you can do is wait them out, or