Come again? Your post isn’t making much sense. Try working on your writing skills?
Come again? Your post isn’t making much sense. Try working on your writing skills?
Thanks for letting millions of us know you’re a racist Islamophobe.
It was the fact that A. If he’d been a normal driver under direct supervision, he may have been turned into the police—or at least taken off the road. Uber drivers have ZERO supervision.
This whole “I can do anything I want!” culture is babyish and is ruining America faster than any terrorist could conceive.
No, they don’t actually. I refer you to a recent “experiment” on TV, where the reporter had a recently released ex-prisoner with a history of violent crime apply to be a driver. She was accepted. There goes your little theory.
Our only “well regulated militia” is called the National Guard. If you don’t belong to the National Guard, the constitution doesn’t apply.
I agree with you on all but that last bit. It actually IS all about money in America. The gun lobby is huge and well funded, and that’s the true reason we don’t have gun laws like other western nations that are more civilized, and just as “free.”
“Gun freedoms?” What about the “freedoms” of the victims? You and other gun obsessives are 97% part of the problem, not the solution.
Uber is horrified? Uber doesn’t care, and that’s a proven fact. They just want to rake in the cash and make excuses that they’re “only a technology company” whenever something bad happens with one of their driver’s...oh, excuse me, one of the people who buy their “technology.”