Tokely Carmichael

Practically been happening since guns were invented and people learned to shoot them from galloping horses.

That’s a funny way to spell “unfettered access to weapons of mass destruction.”

Aside from the avenue through which Dr. Disrespect became popular, nothing about this story couldn’t happen offline. Shooting a house in order to intimidate someone (or just because) is an old American tradition.

As someone who grew up on the internet, as time moves on, I agree with this more and more. Like any technology, it solves a lot of problems, but holy shit does it create a lot of new ones.

Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

Here’s the thing, even if she isn’t lying about...something (which is almost guaranteed not the case), her first instinct, as an “officer of the peace,” is to fire her handgun into the darkness. That’s absolute fucking best case scenario. This country is so broken.

I’ve been wondering why we’re suddenly not hearing about those witnesses any longer.

My money is on everything.


Commentary about this incoming, because this is some bullshit. 

Spider-Man, and all superheroes by extension, are cops. They just don't go fulfilling the will of the State.

Further early thoughts: you get more VC per game, and everything feels a little more generous.

He went to prison, I think he got what he deserved. 

Vick also paid his debt to society.  Guy seems like he went to prison and honest to God became reformed.

Uhhh, he’s a “mobile” qb, not a black one. He’s done this to himself. 

*white quarterback sack. You can hit Cam Newton with a fucking tank for all the NFL cares.

“After you make contact, you cannot drive him into the ground.”

I made this claim in my law office last year as well. Management, god bless them, claimed that if I truly wanted to air a grievance perhaps I should join the local hockey league. Not being one to back down from a challenge, of course I did. Immediately in our first practice I removed my skates and my helmet and threw

There should have been a rule put in place that only J.K. Simmons can play JJJ.

Trevor Story lives his life a quarter of a mile at a time, and for those 10 seconds or less, he was free.