Samesies. That game was impossible.
My recommendations are Drive with Sir Ryan Gosling and Shutter Island with Mr. DiCaprio as it expires next week.
Sarah Hyland is one strong girl and she doesn't even look like she's 21!
Why isn't this song called "Saturday"?
I like the show cause its funny though I have a hard time finding any reason to like any of the characters.
I'm still kicking myself for watching the skeleton key. Big mistake! Huge!
This is a great idea!
I have the same problem when it comes to last names. All my documents have my dad's last name as a middle name and my mom's as an actual last name. Such a hassle.
My name is Alvaro and i never correct how people say it cause even i have trouble with it at times
All i have to say is bless this post!
I would so totally play this!
I got a sweet temporary tattoo of a robot when i attended a friends' 21st birthday party a few weeks ago. I can't believe these kids are the future! #IDontWantToLiveOnThisPlanetAny...
Some hipster with a camera and slick editing isn't going to make me feel like I'm changing the world.
Nice guy syndrome at its worst.
The MPAA has always been ineffective as far as rating films is concerned.
I feel that men's preferences are more in the fantasy setting whereas if one is presented with breasts (no matter what size) he wouldn't turn them down.
I always felt like I have no fear but that's probably due to the fact that i've been exposed to everything from heights to animal and insect bites.
I want that Drive poster! Actually I'll take anything Drive related
Very pleased to see that everyone has different pubic preferences!