
I have to wonder how much the tarnished brand of NBC itself has kept viewers away. I know that I didn't give Hannibal a chance at first because, while it looked interesting, it advertised the damn peacock and I immediately assumed that it must be a pile of shit.

I've been heartbroken before, but I think that with the critical buzz this show has gotten (not to mention the cult following it's amassed), I think NBC will be kicking themselves by the time season 5 rolls around. Seinfeld didn't become a ratings juggernaut until its fourth season. Breaking Bad was a (prestigious)

Curiosity is not intolerance. Ignorance is not intolerance.

Don't bother, duder. Dude's not just a tool, he's home depot.

The thing is nobody knows what it is yet. The current working logic dictates that it's software not lining up correctly with the hardware, which gives the user a feeling of dysphoria. My brother has tried relating the experience to me, but I still don't quite grasp it, and I doubt I ever really will.

You'd be surprised at how infrequent trans people are outside of major urban populations. You'd also be surprised at how much harder it is for them in smaller, more rural communities. Hell, I consider myself a fairly informed individual, and I only got a crash course in the last year or two when my brother told me he

If you cut through the rhetoric and the hyperbole what you find is that "gamers'" contention is not with people criticising, but people who are speaking out of turn. That is to say (before some asshole can twist my words), people who are uneducated on a topic declaring their uninformed opinions to be right and honest

Who mentioned gaping? I'm responding to your response about Hamfist's comment. You know, the one about how asking for clarification isn't the same as gawking at a trans woman "like a slack-jawed goof."

Trans people face a great problem; Othering. They're seen as abnormal and strange. Education is a better way to remove that sense of "other" than "keeping your mouth shut".

I imagine to the demos that the AV Club generally appeals to? Check the comments section any political article; the readership of this site generally leans hard left with some centrists sprinkled in here and there. The article is written in a way to deify a rising liberal hero (John Oliver) at the cost of ignoring the

Rhotaphota was talking about how the name of the article and its tone detracts from the Oliver's message, and I was elaborating on why it exists like it does. Cheerleading and pandering.

I like John Oliver, but he's quickly running into the same problem Jon Stewart did.

This is what happens when you let stupid people on the Internet. I've been watching the level of discourse sink into the fucking toilet over the last ten years or so, and it's gotten to the point now where the rampant tribalism is everywhere. Stupid people can't comprehend nuance of any kind, and so they turn to what

Yeah he does. I took his scene in the cage to be more of a "are you sure you want to play it like this?" rather than any outright pleading or the like. The Creature is trying really hard to hold onto his humanity, but then people like the waxwork owners keep disappointing him.

Depends on the folklore the show chooses to follow. Sometimes it's a curse, sometimes it's virulent, and sometimes it's genetic.

I wouldn't recommend going there until at least level 15. Tons of radiation, tons of bullet sponge super mutants, and no matter what Agatha tells you, that place is not fit for humans.

Do we know how long the time frame is between the rape and Frank offering the rapist to Ray? From the context of the scene it seemed like a few weeks at the least. I wouldn't be surprised if that plot point winds up being genuine and not at all a play to pocket a cop.

This show had me at Ray shushing the crackhead. Maybe it's my imagination, but there's this kind of wry undertone to the Ray stuff. Cynicism with a smile, if you will.

I don't either, just covering my bases.

If it's handled delicately, if it's handled gingerly, if it's handled just right, you can get away with it once.