
*a reliable crosstrek

Something is wrong with Jalopnik.

I’m pleasantly surprised but still curious to see how reliable it will be.

The guy produced Sublime videos. You know he has to be fun to be around.

And we never got to find out if Jack Wade liked driving it.

Dealer markups are to blame for sure. They hate on Tesla for selling direct but then again you won’t have to buy a new car from another state because the local dealers think they have a monopoly and can charge what they want.

You’ve never owned a Subaru apparently.

I am freaking STOKED about it

I’d rather see an aftermarket grill on a jeep than a set of 37" tires on a pavement princess.

I know, you forgot about the W12 Audi A8, too.

I had a 1995 XLT and sold it when gas went from $1.25 to $2. Still kicking myself.

I can’t wait for the day when these companies are forced to unionize and lay off a majority of their terrible drivers.

My tacoma is the same way and I still paid money to have it debadged. Fake chrome should’ve died out with leaded gasoline.

The name is the least of Buick’s problems. Stop making shitty cars.

I say this every time I get in an Uber.

Whoa that’s awesome! Andre was a hero of mine growing up.

That’s why you have to live like Andre The Giant.


It’s like your response was from a book of cliches by Californian’s.