
It’s like they applied some cream and just wiped him away!

It’s strange to me that the author of an automotive article doesn’t know about car culture in Montana.

Idiocracy becoming more and more likely.

Marvel writes better stories, period.

We’ve reached peak Chris Pratt. You can only watch is one trick acting style for so many films before it becomes ad nausea.

So ugly. Pray for Mojo.

The 4runner’s where cool except they had to dub in sounds of a V8. Anyone who has one knows they don’t sound like that.

They scored as soon as they tricked the geriatrics into thinking Subaru’s are safer than Volvo’s.

A Toyota dealer in Seattle tried a bait and switch on me by claiming “the pricing mistake was due to a 3rd party error and not our liability”.

I have always been able to find a price that was under the dealer invoice. Furthermore, unlike a lot of brands I have to deal with, Subaru’s dealers have been generally pleasant and professional to do business with.

How do you forget something like that?

I love the 850 but the interior is garbage. Ruche leather? No one wants that.

Top Gear? Haven’t cared about that show in years.

They belong in (LeMay) museum!

It will always be the red headed stepchild now that Godzilla runs America.

For that price they need to compete with GTR.

To be fair, their PR person was just hired from H&M so they had a little learning curve to overcome.

I learned how to drive a manual on one of these. My sister had left it behind when she went to college and I rallied the shit out it.

Tesla is doing something right if it brings this much hate on a Jalopnik article.

It’s the circle of life.