
I remember a guy from HS who did this to his old 70's chevy truck. That thing was ruined.

Please don’t.

Cali roads are velvet compared to the Northwest.

You should’ve included the Accord Hybrid in the comparison. Looks better than both and gets better gas mileage.

The Eddie Bauer edition Ford’s. Two tone explorer’s were hideous.

You mean lawyers?

I’d like to know...

The lady thanking god for the car is obviously bat shit crazy.

They were removed from a flight without any blood or missing teeth so I think they did alright.

What good is the warranty if you have to get it fixed every other month? Just spend the money on a reliable vehicle.

First thing that came to mind.

The concept looked better. This looks like they didn’t try that hard to facelift the older version. Still fugly and bloated.

A good experience on a United flight? Haven’t heard that in years...

No but they could dress like they respect their employers.

Charming woman. I bet her parents are proud.


Does it come in tan to match my old man shoes and hearing aids?

We don’t need to invest in weapons, just send in the cavalry with the space lasers on their suits!

They should also factor how well they’re running after 200k. My subaru limped its way from 190k to 210k before deciding to commit seppuku.