
Meet the new Jeep, same as the old. Now with a slightly different grill.

They detractors should just treat it like Top Gear 2.0 and simply not watch it.

City Hall: ‘I think there’s a way to get some money from the stadium owners. Let’s fine them for parking cars in their huge parking lot.’

Tanner Foust ruined it for me. The other guys were just background noise to TF’s annoying personality.

Do you guys ever recommend anything but Jeeps/Chrysler on this site?

Seattle is the same way. They would rather throw millions at bike lanes for less than 3% of commuters and let the roads turn to shit.

The car shows that ruined it for me were Pimp My Ride, West Coast Customs, and Unique Whips.

What’s the point of the show without Edd?Mike’s sales tactics were less valuable than the wrench time.

Looks like a rolling POS.

I guess Tanner Foust wasn’t pulling in the viewers? LOL.

I had a feeling as soon as they made the ES halfway decent looking it would poach sales of the GS.

I had a ‘98 with three pedals.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better.

I remember seeing that poster as a child and thinking that guy had poor taste in vehicles.

It’s good for ‘bombing’ around the countryside.


Daimler didn’t kill Chrysler. The company did itself in by producing nothing but shit for 30 years. Mercedes saw an opportunity to put the final nail in the coffin and did so according to a well developed business plan.

And cops wonder why they’re losing respect? After your day in court pleasingly your case and you still get hit with an infraction...because one idiot cop decided to ruin your day.

Lynnwood? CP probably being sold by a crack head.

You know it! LOL