
I thought these were supposed to share internals with the GTR?

Isn’t it a little soon to be mentioning ghosts of any kind in this series?

Rare photo of Italian tank at Anzio 1944(colorized).

His Aliens role was good but he was a classic in Predator 2.

Make it stop.

I’d buy that for a dollar!

We dumped Uber after an inflated ride cost us nearly $500 for a 45 minute ride. We disputed with Uber and ultimately had our credit card company refuse payment.

Oh heaven forbid someone pulls out in front of a cop! In stop n go traffic no less. Pigs.

And just because someone is merging doesn’t mean you have the right to close the gap on them. The cop is a prick here.

You’re generalizing too much. Some of these are for the weekend warriors but some are built for racing.

I don’t understand the hate on these. When it comes to modifying cars these are more tasteful than a lot of other kits.

Subaru’s are garbage. Yea go have fun one winter and prepare to replace all the bearings, alignment and brakes.

I thought they looked weird until I saw one in public. Looks like German perfection.

Yep, sounds like Seattle only you left out the hordes of Prius’ clogging the passing lanes.

Years ago the Seattle Times invited a WSDOT rep to do a AMA. It was comedy gold seeing them defend the Years of ineptitude that went in to designing the streets in Seattle.

I agree. However shifting to bikes and buses has already failed in Seattle, but the mayor is in bed with the local bike club so his priorities were fucked to begin with.

Or a 535xi wagon and have some real fun?

That Jeep is the the epitome of why I don’t buy Jeep. I don’t trust a company that makes pavement princesses.

Too tall to be fast, too heavy to be sporty. Terrible suspension and gearbox.

Looks like he was flying a crop duster.