
I’m very anti-sprawl.

He’s sponsored by the local bike club so it’s pointless if he’s aware or not.

Just got my tabs...$330 for a fucking pickup truck.

Come check out Seattle where our mayor’s brilliant plan to tackle traffic involved adding bike lanes and reducing speed limits.

It’s the best sixty dollars you can spend.

I just finished the Pillowfight album. Thank you for telling me about it!

I pictured this guy while reading your post.

My buddy had one in college. He was driving up to the gorge amphitheater one summer and threw a rod going up a steep hill. It even dented the hood. Good times.

Good call...forgot about that.

That’s the *only* Lexus he approves of.

The issue I’ve always had with the Denali line is that they’ve never been worth the premium you pay to have one.

In Clarkson’s voice...

Asshole? Probably. Dickhead? Absolutely.

I knew a guy in high school who always parked his Chevy Luv truck on the line to take two parking spots. One day a few of my friends came over and physically lifted it and turned it 90 degrees, trapping him in there. The school even made an announcement to put it back but the guy was so universally hated that he had

Are we going to need another seatbelt law to go on top of the one already on the books? Distracted driving laws have been around for decades until the LEO’s redefined the verbiage to include cell phones.

Just don’t pay retail for Event II. Not worth it.

One of my favorite albums of all time. Dan the Automator and Del is a legendary combo. I have every one of Del’s albums, all of the Hiero albums and quite a few of the Automator’s projects (check out Lovage if you haven’t already...Mike Patton from Faith No More).

Any 1960's Ferrari.

That’s question that must start with “whoumst”.

I see more of these in Seattle than in actual farm country.