Old lady

To the concern troll who seems to think this comment was directly at minorities in Alabama... and not exclusively at racist, uneducated whites... let me be SUPER clear that I am referencing conservative white people (the ones who have fought hard to suppress minority votes so they can claim sole responsibility for how

Just waiting for her blaming Nancy Pelosi or Cortez for people getting shot if it happens, they NEVER take any kind of responsibility

Bold of you to assume she’s not completely aware of what she’s doing. Political violence has always been her plan.

Then when(God help us) the smoke from the conflagration they’ve lit subsides...

Bigots live in fear of being “outbred;” the result of having recessive genes and facilitating a caste system which values the construct of Whiteness as if it were some sort of tangible commodity.

Gingrich is another of those assholes whose date with the grave and Satan has been far too long delayed. Although I can hardly blame even Satan for putting off that meetup for as long as he can.

Few people on earth have damaged our democracy as much as Newt Gingrich. I consider him to be on the same level as Reagan and McConnell. I look forward to the day he dies. Which reminds me...

“Immigrants” might drown traditional, classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law.

He says that as if systemic racism DOESN’T put groups of (white) people above the sanctity of black individuals on a daily basis...

GOP Governors:

“Critical race theory is un-American. It fundamentally puts groups of people above the sanctity of the individual...”

At no point does she even BEGIN to suggest that she could have simply walked away.

Didn’t a bunch of us say something similar at the time as well?

Let me also remind you that the very Black man she is now throwing under the white supremacist bus refused to participate in prosecuting the charges against her, which were dropped, and he even said he didn’t feel the charges were necessary.

Bitch, please! Everyone, including your employer, saw what you did and who you are. I wouldn’t give Bari Weiss a jar of urine to douse herself if she were on fire so I am certainly not going to listen to her podcast to find that she didn’t ask the simple question: he asked you to put your dog on a leash, why didn’t

Her obvious concern for nothing but her own self interest make this whole Central Park incident seem line one in a long line of bullshit she’s done to black people. And, yeah, probably other people in general.

This woman is an attention whore. All she needed to do following the charges being dropped and having been put on blast once was to shut the fuck up, make a REAL apology and fade into the background.

Well said....and damn

Kind of the story of America, or better put the Tale of Two Americas. In one you have entitled people who feel rules/laws only apply to them when they work in their favor, and when they receive the rude awakening known as Rule of Law (for all of a couple months, or however long it’s been since they pled guilty) they