Old lady

The new thing destroying my faith in humanity is the reaction to her stepping out. I know a good portion of them are likely troll-bots, but it’s disgusting how little people think for a second on how dangerous gymnastics is, and how you can’t just push through spatial disorientation. 

A tall order.

My question:

Why was Moya arrested in the first place if the call was about a mental health crisis and his only charge stems from him allegedly obstructing police from arresting him?

I’m sure I would lose my mind if I saw someone do this to my child. I have never seen a police officer lay his whole body on top of a woman like that before. It was sexual assault and it endangered her life. It wasn’t hurting anything to allow the Mother to provide comfort but that goober just had to physically abuse

Between this and the Netflix announcement re: vaxx requirements for productions, I’m sincerely hoping we’re going to see institutions finally start to flex their muscle on getting everyone vaccinated. Everyone is sick of this fucking shit and we could have been practically back to normal by now. Instead I would not be

NBA Africa.  I like it.  May it be a channel to better lives for many.

Oh Marjorie, I guess you’re only a bad bitch when harassing high schoolers and taunting people outside their office door when they’re not in their office? Ass clown.

Because the rioting mob was white; had they been any other color, trust that many more firearms would have been used, with little hesitation.

Cause they are white?

I have been saying this since Jan 6th. The officer that shot that stupid bitch got the necessary results to quell that shit in that hallway. After she got shot, they scattered like roaches. Why they chose to engage in hand to hand combat I still don't understand 

In nearly every other country on Earth, the insurrectionists would have been shot on the spot. We are the laughingstock of the universe for our rabid racism that protects whiteness at all costs.

Frankly that’s all they have had since 2008. The last bit of actual legislation with thought behind it was the tax law passed in 2008. It was shitty for people who don’t have significant financial wealth but it was legislation. They have literally done nothing until these voter suppression laws started passing. They

They’re literally attacking the officers as being unworthy of their uniforms over on Newsmax right now. 

The new Republican spin is to call the low lifes who beat cops with anything they could lay their hands on “political prisoners”. They should build a website where anyone convicted gets their mug shot shown alongside with the video evidence that shows exactly what these people did on Jan. 6th. It should stay up there

This failed coup was incited and condoned by evil as hell Donald J. Trump, Sr. and his entire criminal cabal. He was so damn desperate to continue hiding out in the Oval Office, that he was willing to burn the Constitution and this democracy to the gottdamn ground. This wig wearing, overweight, twisted racist needs to

Well Chuck Todd tried to both sides this right after the hearing. Fox News had a Chyron that called it the Pelosi committee and of course The GOP is still claiming it was BLM & Antifa protestors dressed as Trump supporters. Real question: Are you soulless mother fuckers Americans or Republicans? I mean if you weren’t

This is the same man who said that 45 was a genius and only 3-5 lbs overweight. GTFOH with that bullshit dude! You shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself a doctor due to incompetence. Please Black Jesus give this man covid to die a painful death. 

I can verify this as a fact. Now that the “office bros” can’t sit in a circle jerk with their male bosses all day for “face time”, I have noticed that women and POC are receiving a lot more praise and appreciation for their work. Turns out, when you are just evaluated purely on your work, the people (ie women and

I have worked remotely for over 14 years and have had a few jobs where if I had had to interact with some of my coworkers in person, there might have been bloodshed (a “macro-aggression” if you will). I suspect as the pandemic drags on the companies will realize they are MORE productive with their employees working