Old lady

Gee thanks refs for showing the world what sexists and racists, and most of all hypocrites you are. :(

Truer words were never spoken. This org./caucus is a close to useless as one could get. I will never forget their complete spinelessness during Katrina. :(

This 😟

Thank you! I have been to full to even try to reason this out.

BP better win an Oscar costume design and/or set design

In a word, YES.

Thanks for this. I so tire of hearing the tired trope that the black Americans who vote Democratic are subject to the “plantation mentality”.

Nothing is going to change his “preference”. No reason to sweat it—disappointing but certainly not unusual. No loss to whomever darker hued he might end up with as they will most likely be considered second-best in the minds of those who think/act like he does. :(

Just wow :( Such a shit show on all levels. Law enforcement did absolutely nothing and this family forced to fend for themselves. Thanks for shaaring this.  Just life in today’s America for people of color. :(

Yep. But the problem is—they don’t really have to.  :(

I swear this guy looks like the cavemen from the old Geico commercials. I’ just sayin’

Reverse the races of the parties and you’ll find that hate crime charges are often added for good measure. :(

Hhopefully there will be an election for President in 2020. After all this clown was joking a few weeks ago about being President for life. Yep he actually said it out loud and in public. I put nothing past this man and his true believer followers. :(

Please don’t forget the third party voters and the purists from the left who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hilary.

Yep. Criminalize every conceivable movement and or action of black folks like the days of Jim Crow. :(

Rregrettably, I believe that is the idea/intention. :(

It’s very very difficult to find a mental health practitioner that can/ will be of real help to you but worth the effort however exhausting. Get whatever help you need on an intermittent or emergency basis until you luck up on a half way decent practitioner. Until then hang in there as best you can and know that as a…

Thanks for sharing. It’s very difficult to realize that you’re having problems and more difficult still to find and receive appropriate and effective treatment. Sending prayers and good wishes your way for your continued success. Your taking the time to share your experiences is very much appreciated.

Thanks for the links.

Thanks for the links. Enlightening and affirming.