Old lady

Just wow. :( Voltaire has always been one of my favorites.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Truly what you have described is much more common than you could ever imagine. I am now retired but I observed and experienced this phenomenon repeatedly until I retired. Hold tight while trying to find something else, don’t wait for the axe to fall.

Law enforcement deserves much more scrutiny in this matter as well.

I used to call such behavior the Aryan Maiden Syndrome, ascribing such action to any woman who is not a POC.

Sad but true more often than not in today’s America. :(

Nopen. All black folks should invest in bodycams. We should start fund raisers for this. It is truly getting bad enough that the idea of wearing a bodycam is not as outlandish as it once might have been.

It is better to contact corporate headquarters via written communication and then cc regional and get down to the particular store or establishment.

Dear Mr. Y: In this post I think the word guests should be changed to interlopers. Sadly, this is the word that would more aptly describe the way we as black people are perceived and treated.

Thank you for this. You made me cry. I ain’t mad at you though. :)

Well and aptly put. Thank you Mr. Harriot.


Very well said and all too true for many. :(

Word. :( You said it so I didn’t have to.

Yep masters and mistresses of passive aggressiveness. The word choice is intrntional.

Believe it or not some enterprising young African American yong fellow (about 12 -14 years of age) has come up with something along these lines, I don’t have a link though, sorry.

Honestly this post reminds me of my old and tired joke in which I state black folks are often targeted for being ambulatory and breathing while black. :(

I don’t have link but th NY Times just did an article on this entitled “Testilying”. Needless to say no law enforcement referred to lost his job when it was clearly proven that he was not truthful. :(

Might I suggest this statement might read minority cops who kill white people :(

This made me laugh out loud :)