It’s legit, lyre birds are ridic
It’s legit, lyre birds are ridic
Their friend clearly has no idea what pitch perfect means lmao
A lot of places sell what they call “Canadian STYLE bacon” what’s that all about?
Your username is so perfect.
I appreciated this article even if Cerethus didn’t. I’m with you, but only to a point. For me it’s the CONSTANT coverage of every single aspect of the films from announce to release through to release on home video. I’ve avoided every single article the Kinja family has put out about TLJ, and for the first time I’m…
This beats the “Our right or his right?” I was going to drop
Wasn’t Rameses also the one that switched to carving glyphs into the stone instead of in relief or just painting them on so that HE couldn’t be erased?
I think the biggest problem here is (and this is gross generalization) that most C level people at companies these days are in their 50s-60s and still subscribe to the “You gotta be here IN the office for 40 hours a week” model. If people would start retiring again and the leadership was allowed to change with the…
that last well crafted.
Do you watch Nathan For You? If not you should check it out, it’s exactly your comment lol
Happy Birthday!
So your birthday is tomorrow? Or today? I need to know if I’m missing out on giving proper salutations.
I’m into it, not that my feelings hold any weight whatsoever.
I’m pretty sure Sears in the US is kind of in the same boat for what it’s worth lol. That’s a shit move of Best Buy but it honestly doesn’t surprise me that that’s how it worked out. Maybe all these companies wouldn’t keep going under if wages kept up with inflation....
Wow, for as savvy as they seem that’s a huge stumble. Amazing to think they could just do that and be profitable. Reminds me of the stadium naming rights, or even the cable company switches. “It’s the exact same product just with a new name? It’s still shit? Oh ok. Seems like you could have taken some of that…
Well when you put it THAT way. The one I go to is part of one of those gentrification things like SoDoSoPa on that fantastic episode of South Park (fun fact it’s actually called SoDo here) so they really sunk a lot of money into it since it’s the anchor store and I’ve sipped the Flavor Aid and love SoDo Target.
Oh ok that’s awesome, if you’re the only one seeing the lists then that’s not even a problem that exists.
Damn, Target bailed? That’s a tragedy, I couldn’t imagine life if Target just disappeared. It would probably be really blurry since their optical department serves my glasses/ contacts/ eye exam needs.
Just please don’t buy ALL of the gifts at once. My family does the wish list thing but then my sister will buy everything for my mom at once and my mom everything for my sister and then I’m left out in the (metaphorical since I live in Florida) cold and they have the audacity to ask me if I need gift ideas. Like...I…
I saw this on a friend of mine who is notorious for posting fake (but hilarious) stuff and this was the last thing I expected to be real lmao