Old Hawk Bill

That there are people who don’t, terrifies me. I feel like it’s basic situational awareness being gained when you peek around. Is that person on their phone, that one’s reading, that one is watching the light. However if your windows aren’t tinted it’s veritably a neon sign saying LOOK IN ME, I’M MR. TINTLESSWINDOWS!

You know what really grinds my gears? When “Florida” scenes have front plates. THERE ARE NO FRONT PLATES IN FLORIDA. I get if you’re filming in certain places you have to have the front plate too but come on how much would it cost to remove that in post? Nearly every tv show or movie set in Florida and showing cars

A lot of what you’ve said just showed how human drivers will fuck up the system. I’m dreaming of a perfect world, one I know does not and will never exist. Boston is a shitty test case cause the traffic there is horrible no matter what and streets aren’t laid out with any semblance of logic. three years there taught

I disagree, I think the average velocity would increase; granted it won’t be 20-30mph better, but a difference of 5 or so would go a long way. And I still say cars communicating with each other would handle the situation better. Have we turned the AI loose with the problem yet? If so what have the results been? Has it

My blanket was crawling during it.

Removing the meat CPU from the equation will work wonders. I’m not saying it would eliminate this, I’m saying it would make it run more smoothly with the same resources in a perfect world. I know the perfect world doesn’t exist.

All of my comments thus far have indicated that yes I AM a dreamer, an ideas man.

I doubt a rocket would be worse for the atmosphere considering what most rockets use for propellant lol

Most assuredly not, but it’s important to dream.

Also though, if the pack of cars is effectively functioning as one unit the first car last car and all those in between would be stopping in unison. If the car at the front can tell the cars behind hey there’s some fucked up shit ahead instead of relying on meat cameras sending information to the meat CPU and trust

I love driving too, that’s why I say we go with LordMango below, he more eloquently described my pipe dream. Hell I’d even be cool with only using the autonomous feature during rush hour when that inchworm effect is most brutal.


Well sure, with that attitude!

I’m an ideas man, not an implementation guy lol

If they’re autonomous electric cars that communicate with each other then there won’t be much of an issue since you don’t have to worry about the inchworm effect of people waiting for the car ahead of them to start moving. The whole thing can move as a unit. Program your exit number and let the car worry about merging

When I was a kid I learned we had termites in a pretty horrible fashion: one day little kid me, about 7 or 8 is laying in bed when all of a sudden there is just this gray mass pouring out of my wall. Termites just poured out and covered me in my bed, I jumped under the covers and screamed until my parents came in,

See I’ve come around to EA a bit more lately. On Xbox EA Access is really a joke of a deal in terms of how good it is for the consumer. $30 a year (really $15 if you game share since the subscription works on both Xboxes) and I get access to games in the Vault as long as I’m a subscriber plus 10% off DLC that you keep

It was sort of a joke. You won’t see less but you’ll see different ones and can at least tell yourself “it’s because it’s in Beta, I signed up for this shit”. That said I don’t feel I encounter that many bugs outside of my status ribbon disappearing sometimes :::shrugs:::

Yeah boooooooooi. The Beta Program: it ain’t perfect but you’ll have different issues than the tech bloggers.

Just skip forward to 11.2 and all is well again.