But he has his own plane?
But he has his own plane?
It’s Deppish.
They might have been referencing the ACLU rather than the hospital.
This. Coupled with the fact that the abuse she claims to have experienced is not about one incident on one day. It is about the entirety of their marriage. If it got to a point where a third party felt the need to call the LAPD, it is that action that is evidence of at least one heated physical dispute. On top of that…
Alimony is taxable in the hands of the recipient. A lump sum settlement is not.
This doesn’t make sense to me. Barring a specific tax law to the contrary, i am not sure it is up to her to choose to characterize a payment as taxable income, it either is or it isn’t. In this case the claim for spousal support was rejected by Depp and instead a settlement agreed based on her share of joint income…
Great idea, all this hot air and spectacle so these two can see who has the bigger hands/brains/hair. Whatever. For the love of god just don’t let Trump run it. He can’t convert the pledges, he can’t keep the numbers straight, he can’t account for donations. Seriously. Do not let him be in charge of any fund raising…
She said to the guy with the BFA, that she has one also but still manages to find the proposal hilarious on several levels and that in this case the arguments for or against seem to be ignoring how wonderful it will be to see conservative heads spin.. The mirrors will enable the GOP to watch it’s own multiple heads…
I see the mirrors as having a different purpose. They will of course reflect the ‘light’ away from the naked earth mothers but the real ‘focus ‘ will be the contrast between their healthy, nurturing and vulnerable flesh against the spitting, blistering, roasting orange flesh as the golden tuft of laquered filaments…
Perhaps it is time and place that you are forgetting? They are kind of key to appreciating conceptual art.
Is this Lily the Pink, the saviour of the human ra ha ce?
This is proof that they don’t have readers.
We have a high end mall here in NJ that allows dogs to come and have their photo taken with Santa. Only in America.
He’s a teacher? Ugh, now I really hate him. How can someone so selfish be a teacher?
I’m sure law enforcement would have put the cash down too, eventually. Maybe they already have an account?
Hmmmm maybe I have to look to another discipline to find more neutral/ positive considerations of race. Maybe the arts?
An understandable desire . Is study of Race as prescribed by the courses you teach, only couched in negative terms? Is Race always about oppression, conflict, racism or do you also look for other ways to consider race?
Omg sorry, I meant third culture kid TCK https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_cul… Is that good enough ?
Why can’t you teach on race? You have a race too.
Ummmmm I think you are being very harsh. There are people such as myself who are genuinely interested in exploring the ideas of culture and race in society, and parallels to Jenner are not out of order. I am biracial with 3rd world kids. My experience of racism is no where near approaching that of black people in…