
If they make all the fed accounts private and get rid of everything for Fed employees it will no doubt be a good thing since under Trumpcare the premium will go up by $1000 at least. Purchasing Health insurance isn’t going to make anyone richer in the long run either.

Like the Congress men and Minority Leader Schumer who offers an open hand. to the right? How is this going to work exactly? You may hope they can get a majority back in a couple years but if Trump starts a war like Bush, Jr and creates his own Vietnam, people have no choice but to “unite” until casualties start

Here’s a start he’s already hiring GW Bush era people and going after Mitt Romney. Its a mix of both the old guard and radical alt-right nonsense. It won’t ease any one on the left anytime soon. Trump is not radically different from any other Republican. He prefers big business, jives with old school Republican

This isn’t a simple case of thin the herd by attrition. That never works.

Correction: in the 80's he was..It was all an act and in good fun, like a cartoon. Now, not so much.