
They should just rename Formula 1 to, “Dance of the Divas.”

Terry McMillen, everybody. Terry. Mc. Millen.

Man, the fans can do Star Wars better than Star Wars can do Star Wars.

Eh, was never a fan of the ‘vert.

Dude on the motorcycle better take it easy after getting all of that oil on his tires.

Wow, that was really...bumpy. Is his back OK?

Not only did she light her car in fire, she tried putting it out...with her hand. How is she still alive? Surely, life will catch up to her soon, right?

Generally, mountain roads inherently have sphincter-clenching corners. Mix in not looking where you’re going and...

Lets be honest, this is what we’d all be doing in the post-apocalypse. Walking Dead is great and everything, but they really overlooked the most important part: hooning anything and everything because nothing matters anymore.

It’s like this was meant to be. Great to see this classic art re-imagined.

The CGSession script referenced in the article doesn’t seem to work in El Capitan. For anyone using a more recent version of OS X, in Automator, instead of using the script above simply replace it with “pmset displaysleepnow” (no quotes).

I got 9 Lives + Soulstealer, which actually worked out really well. I could trade in my single heart for 3 grey hearts.

This article needs to be updated with mention of “gunboots.” Because gunboots.

Lime Rock Park is one of the greatest, most unique attractions in the state. If the town were against a new race track being built I could understand the concern, but this track is 58 years old! If the town can’t come to terms with it’s greatest asset, the town has a problem, not the track.

Balance has, again, been restored to the world. We all may take comfort in these automotive shenanigans.

How is a 991 911 RSR an old formula? The 911 has come a long way since the widow-maker days.

The shot where the Carrera’s spoiler rises up, does it ever adjust the angle? It seems like it would create lift leaving it flat like that.


The car review through storytelling is what made 0-60 magazine so great. I’m very excited for the future of Jalopnik and can’t wait to see more!

Bahahaha, this one wins. Bravo.