Like, when do women fucking catch a break in society?
Like, when do women fucking catch a break in society?
“Marchioness of Chumbawumba”
Speaking as someone who worked in an admission office for 10 years before becoming a prof-- nope. The parents fill this shit out ALL the time and even sign their kids’ names. It’s completely normal.
Is anyone else a bit uncomfortable with how quickly two women and their daughters became the butt of a joke and are taking the heat for a system that has been perpetuated by privileged white men for wayyyy longer than any of them have been alive? Look, I know Huffman and Loughlin are privileged, and wealthier than…
I’m confused. Lori Laughlin's daughter never even filled out her college applications let alone had the desire to go. How on earth did her parents think she was going to stay in school? USC is pretty rigorous.
USC MA 2002 here: Fuck you very much assorted schemers, Felicity Huffman (whom I always adored!), Loughlin Hallmark person (blech!) and your respective lazy-ass entitled brats.
This is all so petty, and I love it. Inject it into my veins.
I am approximately the same size and shape as I was pre-kids, but I will never truly “have my body back” ‘til I can break into a dead sprint and catch the bus without peeing my pants.
Throughout history, women have been consigned to only one of three stages: Maiden, Mother, and Crone, with Maiden being the only woman considered nubile and attractive. When you have a young, conventionally attractive body, you generally understand the incredible power of fuckability in this culture (and perhaps every…
That you don’t realize how much you are imprisoned by your relative bodily proximity to, and striving toward, a mainstream ideal until you decidedly “lose” your ability to perform some piece of that ideal.
If it helps the concept, in Ireland we count spring from February 1st, called Imbolc or Brigid’s Day. It’s about halfway between the solstices and the snowdrops and crocuses start to bloom around then. And our weather pretty much operates on a system like “Roll a dice, 1, 2, or 3, it’s rain, of increasing intensity;…
12 years ago I was 1 year out of college and going to a friend from college’s wedding. We were in a sorority together and she was marrying a guy from a fraternity. The reception was full of 21-27 year old current and former sorority and fraternity gals and guys, a Franzia fountain, and several kegs. Decor was folding…
Insulin resistance, hormonal issues, and thyroid issues also come into play, so for some people it really isn’t.
This story is so silly. This is just normal migration. They come to this beach the same time e each year to give birth and nurse their young. The REAL STORY is that baby elephant seals are sometimes called SUPER WEANERS! And they all breastfeed in public and none of the bulls say shit because elephant seal bulls have…
Temperatures below freezing? Crank that oven up to 500! What’s everyone cooking or baking? Pain de Campagne here. And another question, I have an opportunity to go to London in May, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t because of the Brexit negotiations. On the other hand I’m nearly dancing with excitement at the thought of…
This is a weekend where I am between jobs lol. I had one job (my postdoc) end Friday and another start Monday. SO glad to be done with my postdoc and I am embarking on a new scientific writing job in industry!
It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids. That was obviously her mistake.
“Not like I’ve been told by these same types of men how to dress, talk, work, behave my entire fucking life or anything like that. And that was as it pertains to my unoffensive behavior.” That’s it. That’s it right there that makes me so so angry. We are constantly having our innocuous behavior scrutinized and…
I don’t know if Gillette razors cut into hair better than other razors, but nothing cuts into a person better than the truth.