Andy Beshear... 0% by the NRA, 100% by Planned Parenthood, believes health care is a right, opposes right to work, pro gay marriage.
Andy Beshear... 0% by the NRA, 100% by Planned Parenthood, believes health care is a right, opposes right to work, pro gay marriage.
His username checks out - just read his lame hot takes.
I’m pretty sure this dude is trolling.
I noticed that too, wtf is going on? And “pro-choice” means different things in action, so we need to know where candidates stand. Are they fine with 20 week bans, even though most fetal anomalies aren’t diagnosed until after that? Do they support buffer zone laws that keep protestors away from clinic doors so they…
I’m a teacher. If your kid is in my class, you have a right to sit in and see what we’re doing. You can’t interfere, but you won’t be excluded. Seems the way it ought to be to me.
“Buck” is DEFINITELY a racist term. It’s archaic, dating back to slavery, but a “buck” was a term for a large, potentially aggressive black man. It was (and still is, apparently) a way to bestialize black people.
Cops are public servants for white people.
“The only lesson his son, and frankly; he, needed to learn that day was to never involve yourself with police in trumps America.”
I can’t wait for the county to tell everyone that his cam had malfunctioned.
I had some serious questions for you until I remembered that there are states that don’t do the paper toilet seat covers. When I left California I was apalled that toilet seat covers aren’t a standard feature in ALL public restrooms. East Coast really had me workin’ my quads with the hover squat.
“Your dick would be distraught!”
First of all, I don’t think Trump has a strategy. I think, like any other person with dementia, Trump just sees something, reacts violently, and then shouts about it.
If and when Trump drops the “N”-bomb, it will be the “Sandy Hook” moment, (where we have to decide what price our soul in exchange for a classroom of dead kids.)
So powerful.
I effectively quit commenting on kinja weeks ago, but I’m reactivating my account real fast because I love Samantha Irby just that much. This book was everything Panama Jackson described it as and more, please do yourself a favor and buy all her books.
We could invite him to inspect a cask of amontillado. In pace resquiescat.
Exactly. These guys have a lot of accumulated knowledge about government - they should be sharing and mentoring the new group coming into the house.
When you’re trying to use a deterrence strategy, or honestly any diplomatic strategy, the absolute last thing you want is to be going up against a crazy person. The person who won’t swerve their car, and will happily kill themselves if it means they don’t have to “lose” is the worst person in the world to play chicken…
I would much rather have Bernie use his political capital and goodwill to take on apprentices for the next generation of politicians—especially those starting small and not already in the federal government—than run for President again.