And people wonder why Democrats won’t fucking VOTE. Disillusionment much, politics?
And people wonder why Democrats won’t fucking VOTE. Disillusionment much, politics?
I look forward to BernieBros explanation of why the moms of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis just don’t understand what is in their own best interest, and just unaware of how wrong their opinions are
I’m a Sanders supporter and a young black woman and I agree with Effyew. I’m not very offended by Clinton’s response because she’s right. I think Sanders would definitely HAVE to have the same response given that his plans would NEVER get through a GOP congress. He would need a mandate (Democratic Congress and his…
White guy here (for whatever the hell that’s worth) and I agree completely.
If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?
Looking for something that isn’t really there...
Thanks GOD this is all going to be about White People. I was getting worried for awhile that this wouldn’t be all about White People.
Honest question, no snark:
It’s hilarious to me that white liberal expect black people to vote for the white guy who has consistently ignored black activists in his state (which has one of the highest incarceration rates for POC). Calling them uneducated or voting against their own interests is infuriatingly patronizing but I see it over and…