C-Suite goombas only understand the value of their IT budget when something bad happens.
C-Suite goombas only understand the value of their IT budget when something bad happens.
So, generally speaking, is JL worth a viewing?
I mean, what reasoning did they have to ever make them think this was a good idea?
I think the point is that, if you have to ask, it’s not the game for you.
Well, I’m not agreeing with you because I’m aware that there are people out there who don’t like being touched uninvited. I’m agreeing with you because I don’t like being touched uninvited. It’s all about me, you see.
It’s definitely a great way to get punched in the mouth.
I bet you’re fun at parties. And in bed. A real catch.
Did you get pee on your book? I bet you got pee on your book.
That was random as fuck.
Asking men about #metoo would make for a boring interview, wouldn’t?
Why the fuck would you let a creep sleep in your house?
...Fiorentino told TMZ...
The joke wasn’t funny, so I don’t give a crap.
...the nicotine concentration is 59 mg/mL per pod...
This would be on point if Prime-and-profit were only possible because Amazon doesn’t pay taxes. But it’s not, so it isn’t.
I worry about my son playing with pretend guns, namely the finger-thumb gun, because he’s apparently surrounded by a few candyass kids and a bunch of candyass adults, all of whom need to grow the fuck up.
This guy is a skid mark on the underwear of humanity.
I met this girl online and we ended up getting very close, a relationship that lasted almost 2 and a half years, we never met but skyped regularly.