Fine, but they don’t have enough seats to govern, so they really shouldn’t fuck with this right now.
Fine, but they don’t have enough seats to govern, so they really shouldn’t fuck with this right now.
The fuck did any of that nonsense mean?
But this woman is the definition of a whore, she got paid for sex.
* looks at picture of Portman *
Whether a prank or by accident...
Somehow, I just don’t give a damn.
I, uhm...yeah, not buying it.
Saw it pointed out on Twitter by a few female streamers I follow that had it been a female popular streamer that this happened to, they would most likely have had a much... less welcoming return party.
How can he not even ask for ID?
Yes. Honey is full of shit.
They wanted to get the attention of men, and they chose to attempt this while going up against football. The outcome isn’t surprising in the least. There’s bold, and there’s stupid. This wasn’t bold.
Rape and murder is awful. Good stories have antagonists. An antagonist that rapes and murders is awful, but it can make for a damned good story.
(I slept through the middle of Rogue One [twice]...)
The reason I responded the way I did was you asserted that Harley Quinn was not sexualized...
On the one hand, I thoroughly enjoy the hard labors of true fans. On the other, this kind of effort is the mark of a wildly unfinished game, so it’s kinda sad. And this is coming from a player that thoroughly enjoyed it for at least a month.
Okay, you watched it. And yet, right out of the gate with me, you share not your own opinion, but that of a reviewer. Which I guess is clever, in the sense that it absolves you of immediate responsibility for such a ludicrous assertion.
People need to get out of their, “I hate youtubers, influencers, millennials, or whatever” bubbles...
The more convincing these videos become, the easier it is to just deny it’s you in them. How is this a bad thing?
Was it humorous? Eye of the beholder, and all that. I don’t really care what reviewers have to say, even less so those that formulate their opinions of a movie unseen based solely upon reviewers.
Since Good Morning America is basically empirical evidence, I’m glad we’ll soon be wrapping this up.*