
Look at all of those orange and blue dots. Gosh, this game is exciting.

Obviously, it wasn’t half the movie. Obviously, it wasn’t constant. Obviously, whomever said this is a dumbass.


I think you’ll enjoy it then. SS is definitely silly. It’s only weakness is that one or more tragically misguided studio execs decided that, instead of taking itself seriously, it should be silly, in the vein of GotG. If they’d gone full tilt one way or the other, SS would have been strengthened by it.

If you’re a neckbeard, no. If you’re a decent human, yes.

You know what sends the message that teachers seducing teenage students is somehow ‘okay’? Actual teachers seducing actual teenage students and not being punished for it. This ‘message’ argument has been used for video game violence too. It’s meaningless.

Or, alternatively, it’s fiction, so maybe not give a shit either way.

Fuel will offer him...physical training...

I don’t think you realize what’s happening in this thread.

Much envy.

I wonder if MM likes to cook. If she does, I wonder if anyone’s knickers should be so twisted the hell up over this.

There’s water.

First, pretty sure I’m seeing wings along her right side. That’s certainly not a door, nor door frame.

So, you’re saying that Star Trek Discovery has a lack of cast molestation going for it. Not the best endorsement I’ve heard, but perhaps the most logical.

You’re right. Everyone, regardless of training and equipment, is fully capable of being an inhuman fucknut.

Except for, you know, the women that have to work with him.

No side-scroller should have an ammo counter. Ever.

Thank you!