
But which bears are better?

Who cares?

He already apologized for the photo. He disputed everything else.

...while his actions were incredibly dangerous...

“it’s my right as an entertainer,” which he denied.

I’m okay with this. Mostly because he hit her back. Hard. Pretty sure she got the point.

You are so caught up in your self-righteous shitstorm that you completely failed to recognize OPs supportive irony.

Sure, if you’re a British dip-shit peddling rant-of-the-week comedy it might seem like a great opportunity.

You’ve given no evidence to show that it didn’t happen.

If you have the money, battle it out in court.


Maybe put your brackets in the right place, jackass.

The thing is Henry Cavill can smile.

You know, I would settle for a Superman who occasionally smiled...

That’s quite a cunty headline.

I...might have to rethink whether I need Netflix in my life.

Should I by sympathetic to a nutjob assaulted by a nutjob? I kinda don’t give a shit.

That headline.

His place has a candy area, and he doesn’t eat candy...

Too far. Too much.