Right? I mean...knifing? What happened to fists and feet? Fists and feet are awesome.
Right? I mean...knifing? What happened to fists and feet? Fists and feet are awesome.
Strong disagree.
Old men do, but I prefer “tail” and, on the very rare occasion that I don’t want to feel as old as I really am, “strange”.
That’s because lots of companies make whiskey, and there’s just too many to blame. But primarily, it’s because they really don’t, and your assertion is dumb as fuck.
Your ‘I’m not an insufferable twat’ disguise is awful.
What, FEMA couldn’t order this shit from Amazon?
Wait...What do you know that we unwashed masses don’t?
Why so many words?
(What stream?)
This is not...national security type data.
New technology? For music?
If you want to be an asshole, that’s fine, but don’t be surprised by a beat-down. ink! decided to be an asshole.
Which is to say, what he said, only not as funny.
...his mother is not happy.
Far Cry 4 was just lovely.
Jesus Christ, dude. Thanks for your insight, I guess?
I still say good on her for not shying away from sharing her opinion. I mean, I wouldn’t do it, just ‘cause I’ve got too much crap to do to have to deal with more crap from crapsters that don’t like my window sticker.
So the entire financial sector is just making shit up about Amazon then. Got it. Thank you for your wisdom.