
Found the snowflake, everyone.

That’s a lot of work for no payoff, aside from ‘I did something’.

Oh, for God’s sake. There was nothing wrong with that apology. No, it wasn’t of Shakespearean length, but if that’s what you expect, I’m pretty sure no apology will be good enough for you.

Frankin’s penis wasn’t involved. Why are you thinking about it?

Nice headline slam.


The price on this has dropped in December for the last two years, deeper each time, but last May’s drop was the best thus far. Wouldn’t be surprised to see another drop for the upcoming holidays.

The price on this has dropped in December for the last two years, deeper each time, but last May’s drop was the best

It’s a photo of the same man that pressured her into rehearsing a kiss, while they were alone, after her repeated refusals, and then stuck his tongue down her throat.

This isn’t just about the picture. Don’t forget the tongue-spelunking, of which there is no photo. Hence, allegation.

So glad I saw that one.

Airlines of America. Take a goddamn note.

He didn’t come across as a slut to me. Did I miss something?

As a gamer I’ve never understood it.

May constitute gambling?

Yeah, his daughter’s right. New tactic then...

In Rocket League, a game about cars hitting balls, a car hits a ball.

Imagine your outrage if they didn’t give this guy a pillow. Woo-wee!

Okay...so...law guy who has had law jobs before gets new law job.

Why not both?