
You know what this is? Going too far.

Is the takeaway here that unhappy women take longer to fix their unhappy shit? I don’t think that’s what you’re trying to say, if only because that would be incredibly stupid.

Thought this was going to be about a wildly unhygienic butt-sex parlor. I am disappoint.

You know what’s neat? How you make ‘cis’ a dirty word.

There are not enough stars to give you.

I here ya’. I just don’t really give much of a shit as to the Sheriff’s motivations. If selfish motivation is what it takes to get bad LEOs off the street, then Christ, I’ll take it.

What “shit” was he not keeping together?

Yeah, because “xxxx are stupid, xxxx is stupid, xxxx is stupid” doesn’t make for a valid argument.

You repeated yourself, but with more words. Nicely done.

If he can’t keep his shit together, he’s not law enforcement material.

World of Second Life Magic Swords is still around? That’s neat.

Being 1/8th NA and not giving a single shit, I find this all quite fascinating.

In all fairness, a submersible option would have been badass.

Calling MR flippant would be an understatement.

Perhaps if they (management) had not tried to re-invent the wheel by doing testing and improvement trials at the same time as the plane went into production and became operational, because the buyer kept moving the goal posts, things might have turned out better.

“He hit me first” didn’t work when I was 4.


Probably because one was boring (though beautiful in its own right), and other depicted violence against women (because you should never show anyone anything they’re not supposed to do, especially if its art).

You mean the food that I paid for? Oh, I also don’t eat at the same restaurant twice.