
You people are ridiculous.

You people are ridiculous.

I hate his hair.

Remember, you have keys. Possibly a knife. And opposable thumbs.


brawn = pompous ?

I require audio evidence.

TIL: Carriers are gizmos.

Watch it.

Why do you ask?

Oh no.

If this is successful, there are gonna be a whole lot of disappointed consumers when their new 007 guns don’t go pft with every pull of the trigger, but rather BANG instead if BANG.

Depends on the dog.

Teabagging? I don’t know how you compare balls, but normally, I just...

We could also compare our balls to a Great Dane’s, but let’s not disappoint ourselves.

That’s why you block the dog’s bites with your face, to protect your legs.

Sorry, I meant to imply that ‘you just get back up’ after you’ve murdered the dog. Should have been more clear.

Sorry, I meant to imply that ‘you just get back up’ after you’ve murdered the dog. Should have been more clear.

The original Master Blaster can burn in Hell. All seven circles of it. That game was hard. I beat it, but I still hold a grudge.

Okay, so I watched both videos, saw the Facetweet thingy, and have concluded... No drama. No unhealthy rivalry. These guys are having fun.

Unless you just get back up.