
I don't think Hollywood was responsible for Battle Royale. I think I read that they tried to do an American remake and it didn't get approved due to, you know, the mind-blowing amount of teenage violence and gore.

I'd speculate that the 2007/8 increase in Safari use was due to its inclusion as the iPhone's browser. I stayed with Safari for a couple of years in order to ensure that my bookmarks synced between my phone and computer, but eventually ditched it for Chrome. It's fast, and I don't use my iPhone as much as I used to.

explain this? Why are the wings under the fuselage and why do they have GIANT landing strips and depictions made out of rock on the surface of the desert?

I bet the bed bugs can hardly wait to get into this theatre. Its gonna be bed bug paradise!!!

Ok ill just shutup now.

Its like we are always rediscovering things. Christopher Columbus got credit for Discovering America...But hello there were Asian and Polynesian inhabitance already. Soon all the myths of Atlantis will be reviled. The landing strops of the Aztec will prove that the Aztec were the first to fly, and not Wight

Half that rubble is the 30 mm GAU-8 Gatling gun.

The first step in photosynthesis is splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, for use in thylakoid membrane reactions. So it is just like the real thing, in that sense.

Gawd...why me.

@heroineworshipper: Yup... Surprised the hell out of me. Here we are again invading another country without them attacking us first.

ATARI? HAHAHA I used a Commadore vic20 and still play omega race on it! I also remember overclocking my first IBM compatible from a 486/25mhz to 486/180mhz using an evergreen after market processor and playing with jumpers.

I remember the first time I saw the internet it was Yahoo in text. I had to telent in using the freenet.

Its true I have cousins lining up for some of my other cousins in the Philippines who want the glorious piece of equipment.


I always wonder about highly successful careers whether the people involved necessarily deserve the disproportionate success they've gained over their peers, or whether luck (and obviously some talent) is the driving force. I don't mean to say that Ive isn't a talented designer or that he shouldn't be so prominently

Rebecca Black's song reminds me of that boy group (one died recenntly) that did the Abercrombie and Fitch song. Same bad lyrics with a catchy beat.

I hardly think any of us are the intended audience for her music. Tweensters love that kind of simple beat. My own kids all have it on their IPOD and know every word to her songs. Its simple and fun (for them at least). I dont think adults are the intended audience.

I cant understand why everyone is coming down so hard on Rebecca Black. Her music is specifically directed at other girls in her age range who are looking for a simple beat they can sing over and over. All the people badmouthing her music are grown adults who are not her intended audience.

I remember reading somewhere that you could use the Konami code to show a little easter egg on Facebook. It was just a simple lens flare, as I recall, but still kind of fun.